Avoid Profithost.com Life Time Hosting Scam Review

I bought Profithost lifetime hosting with high hopes and immediately the site went down. Reaching out to the support staff I was informed the outage was temporary and that demand had rapidly outstripped the servers and they were migrating.

Over a week later the server FINALLY comes back up, with crippling defects on the server side. SSL's not working, outaages and 'database not found' errors as well as simple 'server not found' errors were common.

I tried to be patient. I put nothing of importance on the server.

Finally the server goes down and isn't online in any iteration. And the posts are already cropping up that they've shut down and left with their subscribers money.

Avoid Profithost. The only ones to Profit are JVZoo and the developers of the scam.

Lifetime hosting isn't a good deal, ever.

Dr Erik Johnson

Fishdoc.co.uk And Microscope Training

Fishdoc.co.uk And Microscope Training

Over at fishdoc.co.uk there are about ten pages that take you through how to use a microscope. The detail is great, and the author is good at educating a non-technical person. Frank Prince-Iles wrote these tutorials probably 19 years ago. Not much has changed, but the articles were updated with some newer microscope parts. 

You learn about the parts of the microscope, what you can see and learn with a microscope, how to use the different parts and abilities of a microscope and even a suggestion on what to look for in a reasonable student scope

Nothing is left out. There are even movies of all the different parasites you could see. 

It's only going to get a LITTLE better when drjohnson.com uses some of that detail, and couples it with video using a SPECIFIC microscope that everyone should own, at least, anyone thinking about buying a microscope. 



Treating Infections and Ulcers in Koi and Goldfish

Treating Infections and Ulcers in Koi and Goldfish

Besides discovering and correcting environmental problems with the situation, attacking bacterial infections in Koi and Goldfish is a large undertaking. Especially if the infection is impacting the ability of the fish to breathe: The GILLS

The facilities can be very large as in the case of ponds. In fact, so large you can't actually HOLD the fish for treatment. 

The following article discusses how to treat bacterial infections when you CAN hold the fish for treatment, and when you CANNOT hold the fish, also discusses what to do in colder water versus warmer water. 

There are related articles, like how to SHOT GUN parasites in the scenarios with bacterial infections on your goldfish or Koi. 

Always, a microscope is the best way to protect yourself from guessing. 


We're going to do a video tutorial, step by step using this Celestron LCD microscope. Look for it on drjohnson.com 


Thank you for your kind attention! 


Fish Diseases Fixed By A Good Environment?

Fish Diseases Fixed By A Good Environment?

It's been said that "If you take care of the water, the fish take care of themselves" and I believe there's a BIG grain of truth in that. 

So much so, that I honestly believe that if you provided 90% of species of aquarium or pond fish with the following conditions, they could survive almost anything:

  1. 78 DF temperatures
  2. High aeration
  3. Sponge filtration properly cycled and 
  4. Tested to prove supported pH and nitrogen
  5. Buffered pH and 
  6. Plenty of space 

And so an article pulls all that together from "soup to nuts" with complete instructions and where to find the best deals on the best gear. 

How To Provide A Perfect Place For FIsh To Quarantine or Recover

Written by fish veterinarian Dr Erik Johnson and recommending ONLY things he has bought and tested in his own home, or fish room. 

If you were to follow this advice, and then treat your fish for their actual illness, I think you could hardly ever lose.