Aural Hematoma in Dogs

Your dog busted a bloodvessel in the “flippyflap” part of the left ear.
We can “leave it alone' and itll bust open all the way, or resorb and crinkle like a pringle and a ruffle had a baby.
Some people used to just pop the thing with a jacknife and send em out into the yard to clot and that works, too. Gotta keep 'em from shaking their heads so they don't bleed again / more. But they can't really bleed to death so it was a pragmatic, 1940's and messy way to fix these 
We can tape overhead and drain it with Kenalog infusion and that's a great way to do it with less mess, pain and better (less] crinkling.
I think the other dog mighta broken that vessel. The ear isn't infected at the moment.
The ear can be incised with a long, linear incision and then the flippyflap embroidered / quilted together with multiple little sutures. This is very profitable. It is arguably overkill.
I think if it was a show dog and you wanted the best chances of “healing without a trace”!
My favorite is tape and drain.




Good morning,
Ms. has a nasty torn toenail *again*. I’m attaching an image for your review and opinion if we need to bring her to the office today (Tuesday).  The injury happened Monday afternoon. Treatment provided has been a couple of soakings in warm water and cleaning as she would tolerate with antibiotic solution from my med bag. No dressing has been applied.




Yeah pull that off. If you think you'll get bitten, bring her in. I'll do it.
Epsom soak occasionally. (When looking dirty or crusty)
It can be licked. They'll clean 'em better than you can. With less pain.
Needs antibiotics (if mine, I would) to prevent infection ascending the capillary bed.) Sometimes infection gets into the third phalanx (“fingertip” and the bone turns into a bulky 'hive' of germs and lytic bone. And has to be removed.
You can call the office (in this case because I've seen it) and ask 'em to fill Baytril, Zeniquin, Clindamycin, Clavamox or Simplicef for at least a week.
CC: Office. 

You Thought Good Dog Breath Was Hard to Accomplish?

There's a product on the market called “Leba III”

So I just saw Lexxie T. the terrier and she has this mouth like, it’s brand new. And she’s ELEVEN years old.

So, what this owner did was have the teeth professionally cleaned. (We did it) and she IMMEDIATELY started on this Leba III dental spray. Just once a day, at night before bed: She opens Lexxie’s mouth and sprays ONE pump of spray onto her tongue and encourages her to go lay down and sleep. No water or food, just >spritz< and that’s it. Off to bed.

She also uses Dentastix. Lots of my clients give Dentastix, but their dog’s mouths are ‘just okay’ like Toy Story II.

Lexxie’s teeth are unusual. And I think it’s the Leba III 

They’re sparse with the ingredients. And it’s made in Canada and the label’s primarily in French but there’s an English 'sig' you can understand. I don’t know what’s in it, but it works.

Mrs. T said it was expensive, and it is: Like $45 but a bottle will last months. That’s a better deal than Oxyfresh.
